Personalized contents of PR package – HEALTH LABS CARE
Personalization of boxes, or how to make the recipient feel special!
While communication based on pointing out the advantages of a brand is no longer enough, a new trend – personalization – is entering the market with momentum. The era of direct communication with the recipient through products that are tailored to his characteristics and, moreover, evoke positive emotions in him has arrived. The mechanism of personalization is to build in the recipients the feeling that the company treats them uniquely and individually and listens to their needs and successfully fulfills them.
What does personalization really mean?
At a time when everything is repetitive and clothes, furniture or accessories look the same everywhere and their quality leaves much to be desired, it is worth paying more attention to what we surround ourselves with. Not surprisingly, we increasingly feel the need to feel original and unique. It is at such a moment that the personalization of products or services reveals itself, which consists in adjusting certain features of an article to the individual preferences, expectations or interests of the user.
Originality and individual style – all to fit your personality and needs!
Personalizing boxes is more than engraving a company logo – it’s personalizing the experience!
Personalization undoubtedly tightens the bond between the company and the customer. In this case, the product is a direct link between these links and binds them together. In short, personalization is emotion, and emotion is a word that accompanies us in every box realization, including one of the summer projects for Healthlabs. Everything here was unique! Pots custom-made in a friendly ceramics studio, boards with fired personalization, palm trees and two brilliant coffees with adaptogenic plants – for us, one of the best shipments to come out of our creative warehouse!
But it’s more than just a regular coffee….
And more than just a regular package – this one allowed the ambassadors to feel the atmosphere of the roasting plant where the beans of the new Healthlabs brand product are made. How do you transfer the smell of coffee from production right into the box? For us it was obvious! All the products were packaged in jute bags, in which the coffee beans were stored – besides the aspect of caring for the environment (after all, jute bags are now a must-have for every eco-freak!) it really smelled heavenly.
Additional elements of natural vegetation in the boxes made it possible to move for a moment to another world – the world of surrounding nature and the ever-present smell of coffee.In the implementation we take care of every last detail. Therefore, it is very important for us to create original boxes, tailored to different types of recipients. Personalization of boxes and custom-made products make the people to whom such realizations go feel really special!
Influencer marketing and unboxing experience in one realization! We love such challenges and look forward to more!
Contact us and we will prepare a personalized offer and unique solutions for your company!