box of stories

At Box of Stories, we develop unconventional strategies, offer creative consignments, branded boxes and packaging, which bring together creativity and efficiency. 

Our aim is not just to meet your expectations but to exceed them and deliver something unique and memorable. 

We think out of the box – our philosophy drives our creativity and innovation. We love challenges and are constantly exploring new possibilities to push the boundaries of traditional thinking. This bold, original and passionate approach is reflected in our offer.

When creativity meets authenticity, unique marketing campaigns are developed to make your brand stand out.

The art of evoking emotions

We appreciate the power of genuine, real-life experiences. At Box of Stories, we offer unique opportunities to create unforgettable moments that extend beyond the boundaries of the virtual world. Our tangible experiences provide authentic emotions that engage your senses. We give people the opportunity to feel genuinely surprised, joyous or touched.

Specially prepared, personalised proposals for creative consignments and company gift boxes are a perfect way to increase sales and build partnerships between companies and employees, clients and business partners.

We seek unique ways to express your brand, create campaigns and convey emotions that set you apart from the competition. We are ready to experiment and come up with fresh ideas that will draw attention and elicit the desired reactions. 

Push the boundaries of traditional marketing and embrace creative activities and campaigns that draw attention, boost your brand’s reputation and pave your way to success in today’s competitive world of marketing communication.

At Box of Stories, we operate in three stages: creating concepts, implementing projects, and delivering emotions. And all this through:

We unleash creativity

Our approach has no room for beaten paths. Instead, we look for new perspectives and inspiration. We shift vantage points and discover novel solutions that set your brand apart from the competition. If you are looking for a fresh approach and unconventional solutions, look no further.

Our out-of-the-box projects are steeped in our philosophy, which are sure to draw attention and intrigue and inspire your recipients. Our creativity knows no bounds and our actions reflect our constant willingness to explore new areas and create something exceptional.

Break boundaries and design with us unique moments that will liven up your brand and attract new waves of clients. Working together with us, you can create campaigns that attract recipients’ attention and leave a lasting impression in their hearts and minds. Discover the potential of genuine, real-life experiences and emotions – unleash the creativity and potential of your brand!

Together, we will explore uncharted territories, break down barriers and create groundbreaking solutions that will bring you success and make your brand stand out on the market. Let us take your business to a new level of creativity and achieve extraordinary results.

See examples of our projects:

We are part of Creative Brand Stories

– a group that brings together brands specialising in various areas of marketing communication. 

Box of Stories

For over 16 years, we have been effectively combining creativity and professionalism in our projects, creating exceptional experiences.

Find out what we can do for your company, product or service

Reviews of our clients:

Health Labs Care
"Zespół, który nie boi się wyzwań ani presji czasu. Pracuje doskonale z czystą kartką generując świetne pomysły dostosowane do budżetu i założeń realizowanej kampanii, jak również z konkretnymi planami na realizacje, które należy wdrożyć w życie. Bardzo doceniam dobrą komunikację i otwartość na feedback."
“Rzetelność i fachowe podejście do wypełnianych obowiązków, połączone z osobistym zaangażowaniem, dbałość o szczegóły na każdym etapie współpracy oraz wyczulenie na indywidualne potrzeby klienta - to tylko niektóre z licznych zalet! Zestawy prezentowe były idealne"
Ringier Axel Springer Polska
"Nie ma dla Was rzeczy niemożliwych! Chciałabym podziękować za profesjonalizm i zaangażowanie, za każdą szybką reakcję na zmiany i różne przeciwności.Za każdym razem wiem, że mogę liczyć na pełen profesjonalizm, przemiłą atmosferę, morze cierpliwości i niesamowite pomysły. Współpraca z nimi to czysta przyjemność!"

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    We believe in a partnership approach to working with clients, which allows us to achieve measurable results together. Ready for an exciting journey? Contact us,
    to discover how we can help you achieve your brand marketing goals:

    +48 516 862 068


    Office open
    Monday – Friday 9-17
    ul. Rynek Podgórski 12/7
    30-518 Kraków